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Grades 2 to 6

2nd Grade through 6th Grade are the formative years of your child's educational life and it is very important to build strong foundational skills early on. Research shows that introducing specific skills (e.g., technology, math, coding, arts, and language) within this age group leads to longer-term acceptance of those skills. Because students are introduced to these subjects early on, it helps eradicate biases and stereotypes against these subjects. Avoiding the development of biases in the formative years is essential.


All of our programs begin with a comprehensive assessment of your child's capabilities. Then we build a unique program that fits their learning style and needs.


Citations and Research References


“The brain is the most magnificent three pounds of matter in the universe.” (Sylwester, p. 7).

Sylwester, Robert. Educationa; Implications of Recent Brain Research. Educational Leadership, 1981.





We offer age-sensitive educational curriculum and tools. Students will learn to use technology and to code their first applications. It is important to incorporate these vital computer literacy skills early on. Research shows that skills such as computer programming are often neglected and underdeveloped because stereotypes and stigma surrounding these skills deter students and parents from learning these skills later in life. Our curriculum focuses on key competencies through graph paper programming and basic Computer Science concepts and fundamentals.

We structure our math program to align with what is required in school and for standardized testing. Our curriculum is developed based on current Common Core and Florida Sunshine State Standards, to ensure that your child is getting the same information that their teachers require for lessons, homework, quizzes, and EOCs.


We focus on the foundational elements of grammar, writing and reading comprehension. These lessons follow federal and state standards, and are aimed at teaching your child strong reading and comprehension techniques that will make them able to read, understand, and analyze writing. Additionally foundational grammar will help your child be better at composing quality writing, and consequently be able to understand more complex writing deeply, through better comprehension.


We help children build strong English skills and even help students learn a second or third language. Building a strong foundation in a primary language may lead to long-term success and opportunities. We also maintain that it is vital that students are exposed to second or third languages early on, as foundational language skills developed in childhood remain, and make learning languages later in life much easier.

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