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Grades 7 to 8

Grades 7 and 8 are critical educational years, as research shows that during these years, students begin to diverge from their education, thus putting them at risk of not graduating on time or dropping out of school altogether[1]. These years set the tone for all future education, in secondary and post-secondary academic settings, so it is vital for your child to remain focused, dedicated, looking forward, and aware if and when they need help staying on track. Falling behind on any path, whether it is language skills, math, computer literacy, or reading comprehension, it is imperative that students remain on top of their schoolwork, and critical of where they need help. Avoiding falling behind in curriculum work will prepare your child for a great high school learning experience, and the drive and skill set to achieve great things in college and beyond, as well.


All our programs begin with a comprehensive assessment of your child's capabilities. Then, we build a unique program that fits their learning style and needs.


​Citations and Research References

[1] Balfanz, R., & Fox, J. Early warning systems: Foundational research and lessons from the field. In National Governors Association Meeting, Philadelphia, 2011


We offer a variety of courses based on student skill levels and preliminary skill sets. Building off of computer literacy skills learned in early childhood and elementary school, we look to advance these computer science skills and competencies. At this age, students will learn how to construct complex websites, design video games, and develop advanced technical visualizations and graphic designs. Furthermore, we seek to advance students' knowledge of the various coding languages, and strive to provide students' the opportunity to utilize different languages in different projects.

We structure our math program to align with what is required in schools and for standardized testing. Our curriculum is developed based on current Common Core and Florida Sunshine State Standards, to ensure that your child is getting the same information that their teachers require for lessons, homework, quizzes, and EOCs. Students at this age are exposed to linear equations, algebra operations, geometry, and introductory data analysis. We want to make sure your child is prepared for whatever challenges they may face in the classroom, so all our math programs are tailored to students based on their learning speed and school standards.



We support students of all ages in learning English as a first language and support education in several other languages. We use proven tools and technics to ensure that your learning experience yields the best result.

We focus on advanced reading comprehension and analytical skills to develop students' abilities to critically understand prose, poetry, and academic writing through the understanding of advanced grammar and applying a critical-thinking mindset to any given piece of writing. Our lessons follow current federal and state standards to align our work with the work being done in the classroom, and so that students will be prepared for any current or future standardized tests. Throughout these lessons, we also work on maintaining a strong ability to write effectively by developing full thoughts in writing while adhering to proper grammar.




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